It's an American adult animated science fiction series that follows a garbage eating alien race called The PuPus, as they explore Earth post-climate change in the year 3234.
The show is centered around three main characters: Sauf, local fry cook and drugdealer; Fubby, the smartest PuPu scientist and first mate; and Captain, the Captain of the ship and crew. The three traverse a desolate Earth exploring old and new cities, forging new relationships and learning about themselves and each other!
Shmui Nandor and Manny Adeeko created the entire cartoon from scratch. No funding, no guidance, just the love of story telling and a passion for art. The method? Write, storyboard, animate, record voices, edit, edit some more, and then do final edits. The project took nearly 2 years of solid work and dedication.
While The PuPus is a comedy, it also covers a broad spectrum of topics. One of which is our impact on the planet. We ask for donations so we can continue to bring you stories and art that entertains you, and in return will donate a portion of all proceeds to charities that work to create a better world for future generations.
If you like our content or feel passionately that the world needs more art and togetherness, please donate.
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An independent animated series that gives an alien perspective on a post-human world!
Find out about The PuPus and join them on their descent to Earth!
Humans are no longer around, but what we created lingers... Will The PuPus follow in our footsteps?
So you know the gang, you know their mission.. now we dig a little deeper. A little back story goes a long way! Find out the juicy details of Fubby's past.
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